Serving All of the Phoenix Valley

Solar Buster Insulation

Insulation Services

Pest Control + Energy Savings
Feels So Good!

Insulation that kills bugs AND saves you up to 30% on your energy bill!

I bet you never thought you would hear those two in the same sentence. But this is real. Green Machine Pest Control is installing multi-function insulation into attics across Arizona to save our customers money on their energy bill, but with a crazy twist. It’s got pest control built right in!

Insulation Services

Pest Control + Energy Savings
Feels So Good!

Insulation that kills bugs AND saves you up to 30% on your energy bill!

I bet you never thought you would hear those two in the same sentence. But this is real. Green Machine Pest Control is installing multi-function insulation into attics across Arizona to save our customers money on their energy bill, but with a crazy twist. It’s got pest control built right in!

What Makes Green Machine Insulation so Amazing?

Let’s start with the energy savings. Having solar installed on your home saves the average home only about 20% on their energy bill. But our insulation is rated to save you up to 30%. And it’s WAY cheaper! Most Arizona homes have 4-6 inches of insulation in their attic and none above their garage. We can remove the old insulation that’s no longer effective and replace it with 16 inches of energy saving, bug killing, fire resisting, sound dampening insulation!

The pest control function of this insulation is crazy good! You know how people are always worried about scorpions in the ceiling, especially when they find them in their ceiling lights? This insulation is laced with Boric Acid so any pest that crawls through it, including scorpions and termites, will die. Bonus: Rats hate it and will vacate the area as well.

You never even think about a house fire until you’ve had a house fire. But with Fire Resistant insulation, it may be the saving grace that keeps a fire from destroying your special keepsakes you can’t get back. Typically when the attic goes, the whole house goes. Not with Green Machine’s Pest Control Insulation. We’ve tried lighting it on fire with a blow torch, lighter fluid, and putting fireworks in it… and all it did was fizzle out. Do not try this at home.

Have you ever used a noise machine to help down out sounds coming from outside your home so you can sleep at night? How about that neighbor that gets up at the crack of dawn and lets his car with the aftermarket exhaust “warm up” for 20 minutes before he leaves for work. Or maybe you want some privacy and you worry about the neighbors hearing you parenting before you’ve had coffee? Our insulation is sound dampening and cuts out the noise so you can have some peace and quiet.

  • Superior Insulation: Green Machine Pest Control Insulation guards against pests, molds, and offers excellent acoustical and fire resistance properties.
  • Pest Protection: Say goodbye to unwanted pests like crickets, termites, ants, and more.
  • Energy Efficiency: Enjoy year-round energy savings with a product that meets Energy Star standards.

Green Machine Pest Control Insulation acts as a protective blanket for your home, slowing heat transfer and improving comfort. The cellulose fibers create small air pockets that trap heat effectively, offering superior thermal performance compared to other insulation types.

  • R-Value: Green Machine Pest Control Insulation boasts excellent R-value, preventing heat loss via conduction, convection, and air infiltration.
  • Air Flow Control: Dense and effective, Green Machine Pest Control Insulation slows air flow during the coldest times, enhancing insulation performance.
  • Noise Reduction: Green Machine Pest Control Insulation reduces sound transmission, providing a quieter and more peaceful living environment.
  • Elimination of Outdoor Noises: When installed at R-60, outdoor noises are nearly eliminated, enhancing your indoor experience.

Green Machine Pest Control Insulation is not only an efficient insulator but also acts as a natural pesticide, keeping pests at bay through the use of specialized borate material.

  • Insect Elimination: Borate particles disrupt pests’ digestive process, ultimately leading to their elimination.
  • Safe and Effective: The borate material is carefully applied during manufacturing, ensuring safe and reliable pest control.

Curious about the right amount of Green Machine Pest Control Insulation for your property? Contact us for a free consultation in the Arizona area, where we can provide tailored recommendations and cost estimates.

Green Machine Pest Control Insulation is your go-to solution for effective pest control, energy efficiency, and comfort in your home or business. Experience the difference with Green Machine Pest Control Insulation and say goodbye to pest problems while enjoying a more comfortable indoor environment. Contact Green Machine Pest Control today to learn more and keep bugs out – and comfort in!

Let’s Protect Your Home With Insulation!

Fill out the form below and one of our team members will be in touch!

Want to talk to our team? Give us a call today!

Insulation Services

Insulation Removal

Old Insulation can lose it’s efficiency.

Time to replace it with insulation that does more than save you money.

Many insulations compact over time, so to reach the maximum R Value, we can’t count on the existing depths because they may compact when we blow in new insulation on top.

No, but we strongly suggest it.

Blow-In Insulation

Over decades, TAP may settle up to 1 inch, so we recommend 16″ of depth to achieve the maximum R-Value.

The measure of an insulations ability to resist heat travelling through it. Which is super important in the Arizona.


And if we are already doing insulation for the house, it’s cheaper to do the garage at the same time.  We’re already here 🙂

Residential Pest Control

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